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Black eyed peas

I couldn’t resist picking up a pound of black eyed peas at the farmers market the other day. Only problem was that I didn’t have a clue what to do with them.

Black eyed peas with garlic
Black eyed peas with garlic

I emailed a girlfriend who had once made a delicious black eyed pea New Year’s dish from a recipe she had found in one of

Mollie Katzen’s cookbooks, Sundays At Moosewood, I think. But, I didn’t hear back from her and my peas were begging to be used. So I decided to wing it and make something up with what I had on hand.

I started by sauteeing chopped garlic in olive oil. Then I put in the shelled peas, a can of diced tomatoes, and a can of chopped mild green chiles. A little sea salt while it simmered for ten minutes or so, and when the peas were softer I spooned it over quinoa and served it with grilled chicken coated in barbecue sauce.

It wasn’t quite like Mollie Katzen’s black eyed pea recipe I remembered, but the whole family loved it. A variation on this will likely show up somewhere as a Glorious One-Pot Meal, since you could easily replicate this wholesome and balanced meal with the GOPM method. Alas, it’s too late to make it into the next book, Glorious One-Pot Meals: A RevolutionaryNew Quick and Healthy Approach to Dutch-Oven Cooking (due out January 6th!), but it’s going into my files for sure.

Posted in: Recipes

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