One of our favorite snacks at our house are toasted seaweed strips.
These irresistibly crunchy, salty, flavorful strips of nori are the same toasted seaweed wrappers used for making sushi rolls, cut into 3″ strips for snacking and often flavored with teryaki, sesame, or spicy chiles. You can find them in large plastic jars or smaller wrapped packets. Check the labels before choosing as some brands will contain added MSG and others may contain wheat and soy, if those are issues for you.
Like any leafy green vegetable, seaweed is a powerhouse of nutrition. For snackers, fat- and cholesterol-free seaweed offers soluable fiber, protein, and loads of calcium to make this a feel-good munchy. Seaweed’s bounty includes Vitamins A, C, E, and K, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Riboflavin, Folate, Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, and hard-to-get iodine.
High sodium levels may concern some, but look for those strips seasoned with sea salt rather than regular salt and you may not experience as much water retention as from eating other salty foods.