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About Elizabeth the Speaker

I’m a traditional naturopath, patented inventor, and multi-passionate entrepreneur. As a health and wellness speaker, I’m obsessed with how chronic inflammation influences our bodies and our lives… and what each of us can do to get  rid of it in order to live happily and comfortably without painful or debilitating symptoms.

I started writing my natural living and healthy eating blog, “Effortless Eating for Healthier Bodies,”SM in 2008 as a place to share recipes, healthy eating tips, and natural remedies for common ailments. It has evolved into a venue for me to share my best natural remedies and solutions, rave about my favorite natural foods or products, and rant about outrages like carcinogens in sunscreens or pharmaceutical drugs in our water supply or GMOs in our food chain. I am a believer of what Hippocrates said so famously in 400 BCE:
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

I’ve been living with Multiple Sclerosis since 1999, though you wouldn’t know it as my last serious MS attack was in 2002. From the beginning when I awoke blind in my right eye two weeks before my thirtieth birthday, my husband insisted my food choices (mainly my Diet Coke-Crystal Lite-Gummi Bears lifestyle) played a role in how I was feeling. It was he who first turned my attention to the role food plays in the body.

Along the way, I’ve learned a lot from studying nutrition and food. After I changed my own diet and invented a way to make it easier to eat healthier, I introduced my newly patented cooking method through a unique cookbook (it won some awards – they are listed at the bottom of this page!) and toured the country speaking about nutrition and offering cooking classes. For a couple years in there I performed an average of 100 times/year – it was a crazy schedule to keep, especially while my kids were young!  Here are some of my television and radio appearances. Have you seen my TEDx talk?

I slowed things down, went back to school and received a degree in natural health. Discovering the role that food sensitivities play in inflammation brought my interests full-circle to where I’ve become absolutely convinced of the connection between inflammation, diet and health. Especially when it comes to autoimmunity. I now run a nationwide food sensitivities clinic designing customized anti-inflammatory diets, and am the director of the Fight MS with Foodproject.

If you read my blog, you’ll find I’m interested in health — yours, mine, my two kids’, our country’s, the planet’s — and I get outraged when I learn of new toxic indignities and health hazards in our world.


Nutrition / Health and Wellness Speaker

Bring me to speak at your next event and your audience will leave empowered to take positive steps to control their health. You can see my past engagements on my Events page.

Multi-passionate Entrepreneur

My other business, Digistars® Make-a-Movie Workshop Ltd., offers a suite of multimedia educational curriculum for teaching digital storytelling to kids.

If you work with kids as a teacher or youth leader and you’re interested in achieving STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Math) goals of integrating art and technology into the learning process, you’ll love these programs!

Digistars programs are accessible 24/7 worldwide.


The information presented in this blog should in no way be interpreted as medical advice from a medical professional. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Elizabeth Yarnell and Pomegranate Consulting, LLC.

My intent is to share my own personal journey into the natural lifestyle and decisions I pursue in my quest for healthy bodies and lives for my family, friends, and clients by employing natural alternatives. I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners. Comments are owned by Pomegranate Consulting, LLC.

While many of the pictures that appear on this blog are taken with my own camera, and others are from ThinkStock, for others I offer the following disclaimer: EFFORTLESS EATING (this blog) claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to their respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed. Thank you.


Recommended Product Policy

Any product reviews regarding free samples or other relationships will be revealed in the posted review. Otherwise, it is safe to assume that these are all non-biased commentary. If you are a company and would like me to consider reviewing your product or are looking for a product spokesperson, please contact me.


Effortless Eating

Short for Effortless Eating for Healthier Bodies (SM).


Fast Facts about Elizabeth

» Inventor and holder of US patent no. 6,846,504 and a Canadian patent.

» A home cook, natural health expert, Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT),
Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP), and Certified Nutritional Consultant (CNC).

» Certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board on September 25, 2014.

» Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1999.

» Born in 1969.

» Married with 2 children.

» Lives in Denver, CO.


 Fast Facts about Glorious One-Pot Meals

» Glorious One-Pot Meals: A Revolutionary New Quick and Healthy Approach to Dutch Oven Cooking, originally published in 2005 by Pomegranate Consulting, LLC, re-published by Random House/Clarkson-Potter, 2009.

» iParenting Media‘s Call for Outstanding Products 2007 award winner.

» Award-Winning Finalist in the Cookbooks category of the National Indie Excellence 2007 Book Awards

» Award-Winning finalist in both the Cookbooks: General category and the Diet: Health category in the Best Books 2006 National Book Awards.

» Award-Winning Second Place Finalist for the 2006 Colorado Independent Publisher Association’s Evvy Awards.


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