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Fight MS with Food

In 1999, when I awoke that winter morning blind in my right eye, I had no inkling of what could be in store for me in a future with multiple sclerosis.  Little did I know the extent to which an autoimmune diagnosis could affect my health and my career, drive my passion and provide me with a purpose.


The Fight MS with Food project exists to explore the link between undiagnosed food and chemical sensitivities and multiple sclerosis. It has since been expanded to include all autoimmune disorders.

While current medical research focuses on finding a magic drug to cure MS, this new approach theorizes that by avoiding the immune response caused by Type IV hypersensitivity reactions to certain foods, MS sufferers will be able to avoid triggering the debilitating MS symptoms caused by aberrant immune responses.

Watch the Fight MS with Food video below to learn more!

The goal is to collect statistical data as to the efficacy and validity of the theory and program while giving enrolled MS sufferers immediate relief from symptoms and a decrease in inflammatory activity.

The Fight MS with Food program is a completely virtual experience and requires self-funding. Clients must be able to send an overnight package to Florida to participate.

To learn if you are a good candidate to participate in the Fight MS with Food project, schedule a complimentary natural health assessment with Elizabeth.

 Want to know more about the theory behind the connection between autoimmunity and diet?

Watch this quick video:

~Elizabeth Yarnell, naturopath, CLT, Director of the Fight MS with Food project