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Search Results for: cholesterol

Cholesterol is Your Friend, Not Your Enemy

I know, I know; it’s heresy to say that cholesterol might actually be good for you. That cholesterol might be something you really want to have running around in your…

Cholesterol, Causality and Egg McMuffins

…disease, you usually also see high cholesterol. Causality means that high cholesterol causes heart disease; this has not proven to be the case. They are different concepts and important to…

Kids on Cholesterol Drugs

cholesterol and heart disease has not been established. Or that cholesterol is an natural substance in our bodies that does everything from protect the integrity of blood vessels to encourage…

It’s Time to Re-think Statins

Does taking pharmaceutical statins to reduce cholesterol really help people live longer? A new review of 70,000 patient histories says NO! The paper’s authors say that not only are statins…