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Search Results for: kick a cold

Fortifying Seaweed Miso Soup Recipe

…on a cold winter night. This week I had a craving for seaweed: I couldn’t stop thinking about a seaweed soup. Vegetables from the sea offer a huge nutritional payload:…

Where Germs Lurk

Bathroom faucets, remote controls, and telephones are likely culprits for harboring the germs that cause colds. Scientists at the University of Virginia have tested many common surfaces to see if…

How to Treat Dementia? Fix the Gut.

…that his doctors are questioning the validity of the initial diagnosis. You can do it, too! Get started today with my free Anti-Inflammatory Kickstarter Course (coming soon)! Contact me for…

Additives In Your Food Can Be Harming Your Health

…Watch for my free new 7-day kickstart course to reducing inflammation as a path to feeling better. Sign up here to be the first to know when it is available!…