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Search Results for: kick a cold

We Are What We Eat… Or Are We?

…flaw in any one-size-fits-all theory when it comes to health. Here’s a humorous take on diet trends to kick off your weekend: “Beating on Wheat and Raining on Grains: What’s…

Natural Solution for Seasonal Allergies

It’s all over the news that spring allergy season has kicked off early across the country. Honestly, I hadn’t noticed. The hay fever that plagued me every spring and fall…

Just Say No to GMO Salmon

…transgenic salmon may begin making its way into our food supply. It will be served in banquet halls, in restaurant chains, and in school lunch programs. And here’s the kicker:…

Salicylate Sensitivity and Psoriasis

…in her body was dramatic after only two weeks. She realized that the daily “green-smoothie” health kick she and her husband had been following had actually been making her skin…

How to Stop A Dog From Itching

…manage my cat’s feline chronic renal failure (CRF) with a dietary change and strategic supplements. Today, she’s a healthy and kicking 15-year old cat who pees only in her litter…