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Search Results for: kick a cold

Kick a Cold — Kids sinus rinse

…Huge mistake. Run a humidifier in the bedroom to lubricate nasal passages and ease congestion during sleep. Next I’ll discuss various homeopathic remedies helpful to use when kicking a cold….

Kick a Cold — Garlic Tea

…toxins from your system. I consider this a good thing, personally. I recommended this remedy to my stepfather last week when he was fighting off the current mega-cold. He didn’t…

How Can I Stay Healthy This Winter?

…other natural remedies around in case something gets past my hand-washing and shoes-off policies. I wrote about these extensively in my Kick a Cold series on my blog. If I…

Kicking a Head Cold with Natural Remedies

A 40-hour anatomy of a head cold (or how to kick a head cold in 40 hours): Wednesday, 3:30pm Walking down the block to meet the school bus I notice…

Cold Snap Herbal Cold Remedy

My family returned from our east coast vacation with a miserable summer cold. As soon as I returned I pulled out the Cold Snap and watched my kids turn the…