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Evidence-Based Medicine

Dictionary Definition:
Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is defined as, “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.
EBM practitioners must combine their clinical expertise, the best available evidence and their patient’s personal characteristics and preference when making decisions.
~ Icahn School of Medicine

Elizabeth's take on this term...

In the tradition of functional medicine, evidence-based medicine combines an awareness of the results from formal clinical studies, but gives the same amount of consideration to the personal experiences of themselves and their patients.  Anecdotal evidence may be just as compelling —or more — as the results of a double-blind-placebo-controlled published study when it comes to tailoring treatments to the person in order to facilitate true healing from ailments.

As a traditional naturopath, I lean heavily on the anecdotal experiences of other sufferers as evidence, as well as on my base of scientific knowledge concerning how the systems of the body work together, in addition to the results of large trials. To me, evidence-based medicine means I look at all of the evidence available before suggesting a course to follow, including anecdotal evidence from others in a similar situation. I consider this to be evidence-based medicine.

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