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Recipes for a Vibrant Life with Multiple Sclerosis

Do you or someone you know suffer from Multiple Sclerosis?

I, too, have been diagnosed with MS. Instead of curling up in a fetal position and mourning the future I had lost, I decided to become proactive about my health and my life with MS. I dove into studying the link between diet and health, between nutrition and disease. I went even further and became a  Certified Nutritional Consultant (CNC), Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP), and finally a doctorate in Traditional Naturopathy, and then invented and patented a unique method of layering whole foods into a Dutch oven and flash cooking it for delicious and nutritious one-pot meals.

Now, I’ve compiled my best natural health advice for being healthy while living with and managing multiple sclerosis in a concise, easy-to-follow e-book.

Recipes for a Vibrant Life with Multiple Sclerosis


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Recipes for a Vibrant Life with Multiple Sclerosis


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This primer is designed for beginning the journey toward reclaiming your health and thriving despite an autoimmune condition.

The ebook is full of valuable tips and strategies for helping your body battle, retard, and erase the ravaging effects of this capricious disease. Recipes are selected for ease of preparation and health benefits of ingredients. Chapter titles include:

  • Living a Vibrant Life
  • Why Am I Writing this Book?
  • What is Multiple Sclerosis
  • Healthy Diet
  • Healthy Environment
  • Supplements, etc.
  • Relaxation
  • Recipes

There’s even a reading list of books I’ve found helpful in my quest for robust health in spite of living with Multiple Sclerosis.

You don’t need to wait any longer to start feeling and functioning better despite a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis or other autoimmune condition. Even if you’ve been suffering without a formal diagnosis, the solutions in this book could give you insight and information you can use.

end of excerpt

Recipes for a Vibrant Life with Multiple Sclerosis

is available in the following formats:

Pomegranate Consulting LLC

May 4, 2009


  • Sorry, this title is not available in printed formats

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