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Search Results for: parasite

Itchy genitals, itchy rectum remedies

…to dermatitis, parasites, food sensitivities, or infections. Here are some suggestions for home treatments to stop that itching between your legs: Use only unscented, dye-free toilet paper, or better yet,…

What Healthy Poop Looks Like

…someone’s stool says a lot about their internal processes, i.e., if they are absorbing their foods, suffering from inflammation, and/or infected by parasites. I ask about color, odor, buoyancy, frequency,…

Is Your Food Making You Sick?

…some testimonials from clients with and without MS. There May Be Other Hidden Issues Lurking As Well Parasites, electrolyte or nutrient imbalance, heavy metal accumulation, or other issues may also…

Oregano Oil: A Natural Antibacterial For Cuts

…can be used internally for the treatment of treatment of colds, influenza, mild fevers, fungal infections, indigestion, stomach upsets, enteric parasites, and painful menstruation. Large amounts can be toxic so…

Happy 2009!

…in 2002. This past decade brought my attention to natural health. Between the multiple sclerosis, the hives, bouts with parasites, trying to conceive my first child and then dealing with…