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Search Results for: parasite

Could Multiple Sclerosis be a Parasitic Infection?

parasite, but he’s also made an interesting observation from growing the parasites in petri dishes: they love fat. Fat makes them grow big and strong; withhold fat and they shrink….

Plant based digestive enzymes for health and weight loss

…various parasites at various points for varying amounts of time, including giardia, cryptosporidium, listeria, cyclospora, blastocystis and others over a period of several decades. In my life, parasites have been…

Infections Can Affect Your Personality

…be infected, a parasite cleanse is a gentle and painless way to eradicate the infection. You’ll feel better once the parasite is gone, and your personality may just change, too….

Happy Client Health Success Stories

parasite, blastocystis, 2 years ago. Cleared that, or so I thought, with antibiotics, but didn’t feel quite my best. Fast forward 2 years – apparently picked up another parasite! I…

What causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

…6 months to one year later, if the symptoms reappear. By the way, testing for parasites is notorious for false negatives. If you suspect parasites, I always advocate doing a…