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Search Results for: kick a cold

Mini Izzes: The Right Size for the Right Soda

…were callers claiming to have lost 14 lbs. simply from eliminating soda from their diet! But I can understand how hard it might be to go cold turkey if you…

Oregano Oil: A Natural Antibacterial For Cuts

…can be used internally for the treatment of treatment of colds, influenza, mild fevers, fungal infections, indigestion, stomach upsets, enteric parasites, and painful menstruation. Large amounts can be toxic so…

Post-biopsy Recovery

cold, clinical male doctor who was all business, the one who had read my original films and recommended this procedure. After talking with him I sat in my car in…

Good Belly makes for a Good Belly

…area is an almost guaranteed way to nurse a cold all winter. The GoodBelly formula feels more bio-absorbable for me than some other probiotic capsules or powders. And, it’s much…

Stopping Stridor with Steam

…old one was leaking. I really liked the one we had because it allows you to set the steam temp to cold or warm, and uses uv light to purify…