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Nutritional Counts


All nutritional counts found on this site or in a cookbook are based upon amounts designated in the recipe presented.

Where items such as “pieces of chicken” appear, they are calculated based upon an average 4 oz. serving. All food calculations are derived from The Complete Book of Food Counts by Corinne T. Netzer (Dell Publishing, 2000). Some figures are approximate due to variations in such things as the size of vegetables, amount of oil released when spraying the Dutch oven, etc. Additionally, the figures presented are rounded to the nearest whole numbers to facilitate comprehension.

Glorious One-Pot Meals and its author take no responsibility in insuring the validity of the nutritional breakdowns presented here and offer this information only as a service to readers. Since all Glorious One-Pot Meals can be altered at will, the food counts given may or may not reflect the actual meal created at home.