Dictionary Definition:
of, relating to, or caused by autoantibodies or T cells that attack molecules, cells, or tissues of the organism producing them.
Also, autoimmunity: of, relating to, or caused by autoantibodies or T cells that attack molecules, cells, or tissues of the organism producing them
AUTO + IMMUNE, after autoimmunity, borrowed from French auto-immunité
Auto-: self : same one
Immune: produced by, involved in, or concerned with immunity or an immune response
Auto+immune= allergic to oneself
~ Merriam-Webster
Elizabeth's take on this term...
Our allopathic medical system classifies conditions as autoimmune when there are symptoms of inflammation without an attributable cause such as an injury or an infection.
Inflammation happens is when something triggers a subset of white blood cells called T cells to go out and vanquish the threat. For instance, during an allergic reaction, inflammation may affect breathing, itching, bowel function, and more.
In autoimmunity, symptoms of inflammation may appear frequently, constantly, or sporadically and cause physical, mental and/or emotional discomfort and/or dysfunction.
When we break down the word “autoimmune” into root words, auto (self) and immune (allergic), the word literally means “allergic to self”.