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How can I get brown rice or wild rice to work in my Glorious One-Pot Meals?

The reason most of the recipes in the Glorious One-Pot Meals cookbook contain a type of white rice, is because most of the world eats white rice and I wanted the recipes to have an “authentic” flavor. However, you can certainly substitute brown rice in at any time.

The most foolproof way to prepare brown rice in a Glorious One-Pot Meal is to use parboiled brown rice. “Parboiled” means that the rice has been pre-cooked a bit so that it will cook more quickly when you make it at home. The grains are then dried and packaged in boxes or “boil-in-the-bag” pouches and sold in the regular grocery store. Just use 1 cup parboiled brown rice and 1 cup room temperature liquid. Continue to load your pot and bake normally. Your 2-quart meal should take about 45 minutes with the parboiled rice.

For the best results with regular long grain brown rice, add an additional 1/4 cup of liquid, and heat the liquid to almost boiling before adding it to the pot with the rice. Then put the lid on and set it aside while you prepare the rest of the ingredients for your meal. This gives the rice a head start of 15 minutes or so, which it needs in order to fully cook.

Do the same technique with wild rice, but be aware that wild rice is not actually “rice” and the results will be variable depending on where it was harvested. Some wild rice mixtures work better than others in Glorious One-Pot Meals. When using wild rice in a Glorious One-Pot Meal you just need to be prepared that it might not turn out exactly as you had hoped. Usually, the longer you can let it pre-cook in the hot liquid –as you would with long grain brown rice– before adding the rest of the ingredients, the better it will turn out for you.

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