On a rather awkward topic, I am working with a client complaining about an itchy butt.
Itching in the genital areas can be due to irritation from wiping after toileting to dermatitis, parasites, food sensitivities, or infections. Here are some suggestions for home treatments to stop that itching between your legs:
- Use only unscented, dye-free toilet paper, or better yet, a bidet.
- Wear cotton underpants during the day and sleep without underwear.
- Stop using soap on your genitals. Virgin coconut oil is a better choice for cleansing and moisturizing delicate mucous-producing areas.
- Take a sitz bath. Dissolve 1-2 cups of Epsom Salts in a bath tub of warm water and sit and soak for twenty minutes at a time.
- Keep the area clean and dry. Dust with cornstarch to absorb sweat during times of need.
- Switch to organic tampons and sanitary napkins. The bleaching agents and synthetic fibers in conventional brands can be irritating.
- Adjust your birth control. Switch brands of lube or condoms — many spermicides can cause itchiness. Have your IUD checked. You may be reacting to your lover’s sperm, which could be solved by using condoms. Talk to your doctor about trying a different birth control pill.
- Check for worms. Just before bed, stretch a piece of cellophane tape (Scotch tape) across your opened anus. Remove tape in the morning and check for eggs or worms. If any are found, present tape to a G.I. specialist for worming medication.
- Inspect the itching with a mirror. Does it look like a rash? Does it come and go? Is there a concentric circle of inflammation around the anus? It could be a hypersensitivity reaction to a food you are eating. Keep a food diary or consider testing for food sensitivities.
- Assess for a vaginal yeast infection. Do you have excessive, cheesy discharge along with itching and burning? Swab a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide across your labia; if it fizzes, that indicates yeast. You may douche with a combination of 3% hydrogen peroxide (available at any drugstore) and water or use an over-the-counter topical yeast treatment for a few days to kill the yeast, and be sure to take plenty of probiotics to assure a healthy regeneration of the vaginal environment.
If the itching continues or you see wart-like bumps, consider getting tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Your local Planned Parenthood can do this quickly and anonymously, if needed. Additionally, some oral medications may provoke itching in the rectum. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to determine if this could be a side effect from another drug or a drug interaction.
Let me know if you have any remedies I might have missed by leaving them in the comments below!