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Tag: hayfever remedy

Natural Remedy for Hay Fever and Seasonal Allergies

For most of my life I suffered from seasonal allergies. But not anymore, since I found this amazing homeopathic hay fever remedy.

Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, fuzzy head making it feel like life is coming at you through a tunnel… As summer faded each year I would be burning through forests of tissue boxes until that first frost would thankfully bring it to an end.

Until the spring, when the flowering trees burst into bloom and it would start all over again.

The anti-histimine prescriptions would work to keep the symptoms at bay, but the side effects were unpleasant: drowsiness or jitters, dry mouth and nose, weird taste in the back of my mouth, etc. I really didn’t like the idea of being on anti-histimines most of my life, but they were necessary if I were to function at all during half of the year.

I tried some other natural remedies with some success, such as taking locally-collected bee pollen, and found them to be temporarily helpful and worthwhile, but needed to be taken frequently to maintain the effects. I foresee bee pollen becoming expensive, too (so sad that we’re losing our bees!).

That’s the way my life used to be. Then, a homeopath told me about a homeopathic remedy for seasonal allergies.

That first season I used the remedy once, and then again about a week later, and was symptom-free for the rest of the season. The second season, I found I needed just a single dose to make me forget I ever had seasonal allergies.

This year I didn’t even realize that allergy season had arrived until someone else mentioned they were suffering already. I was thrilled to offer up this Homeopathic Hay Fever Remedy and watch it start to work immediately to alleviate his symptoms.

But don’t let me gush too long about this remedy. To me, it feels miraculous not to be suffering from seasonal allergies anymore.

In case you don’t know, homeopathy is a healing modality based on using minute amounts of a like substance to help the body regain a healthy equilibrium.

When taking homeopathic remedies, don’t eat or drink for 15 minutes before or afterward. Succuss (slam) the remedy in one palm five times before using, and empty the dropper fully before filling for use. Drop 5-6 drops underneath your tongue.  Repeat every 4 hours, if needed.

Homeopathic remedies will not interact with other medications and are safe to use when pregnant, nursing, or with infants and children.

Hayfever remedies: Bee pollen

I mentioned the beginning of my hayfever remedies last week, but I didn’t get a chance to tell you about the discovery that has changed my life with allergies: bee pollen!

Specifically, locally-collected bee pollen.

Bee pollenDuring allergy seasons (for me, it’s spring flowering trees and late summer grasses through the first frost), I mix a teaspoon of the bee pollen granules into a few ounces of juice or water and drink it in the morning.

It’s truly amazing.

I don’t have to walk around carrying a box of tissues. I don’t sneeze uncontrollably every 5 minutes. And I don’t have to resort to chronic use of antihistimines, like I used for years before I went natural.

Not that I don’t sneeze these days. I do. Not that I don’t blow my nose this spring. I do. But my eyes aren’t itchy, my nose isn’t red and swollen, and my brain doesn’t have that fuzzy, allergy-ridden feeling where it’s hard to concentrate on anything beyond basic survival.

My state has two main zones: a mountainous, high-country region, and flat plains. My city is on the edge of the plains, so I got bee pollen collected from just east of us, on the plains. Before my next trip to the mountains, I will start taking some bee pollen from that region to build up my defenses.

I found my locally-collected bee pollen in the refrigerated section of my local Vitamin Cottage (a health food grocery store). Always try one or two granules first, to test for any allergic reaction, before committing to a large amount. And never give bee pollen or honey to children under 1 year old as they could get very sick.