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Nutrition and Autoimmunity: The Diet Connection

Have you or someone you know been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease?

Have you been told that no one knows why people develop autoimmune issues and that the only treatments are with heavy-duty toxic drugs or, as with Crohn’s Disease, extractive surgeries to remove the offending body parts?

Have you been following your doctor’s orders yet still feeling worse and worse?

The Weston A. Price Foundation for Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts.

Then this new approach to dealing with autoimmunity is something you need to hear.

I will be giving a talk about Nutrition and Autoimmunity this Saturday for the Weston A. Price Foundation, Boulder chapter. New research is showing how simple dietary changes can reduce the rogue T-cell activity that leads to autoimmune disorders. Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and other inflammatory conditions can improve from eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones.

If you want to take back control over your health, you should plan to attend this transformative talk.

Of course, all are always welcome to contact me directly for a free phone consultation to learn all I know about how to manage autoimmune diseases through dietary changes.

Here is the information for the event on Saturday: Hope to see you there!

Nutrition and Autoimmunity: The Diet Connection

Weston A. Price Foundation: Boulder Chapter Meeting

Saturday, December 6  10am – 1pm
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
7520 S. Boulder Rd, Boulder, CO 80303
Entrance on Barcelona Drive


9:45am Volunteers needed to set up
10-10:45am WAPF friendly vendors
10:45am Announcements, Green Pasture product raffle, and giveaways! Must be present to win.
Potluck & social time to follow.
11:45am-1:00pm Elizabeth Yarnell’s Presentation

1:00pm Please stay to help clean up if you can!

 Potluck info:

Please bring a dish to share with everyone made from whole, natural foods. This is a great place to showcase your favorite organ meat dish, fermented veggies/beverages, and soaked grain dishes. Please, no unfermented soy (when in doubt, leave it out), and no artificial flavorings, colorings, or preservatives. Avoid modern oils. Traditional oils including animal fats, butter/ghee, extra virgin olive oil, expeller expressed sesame and flax oil, and coconut and palm oil are all ok. See Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon for recipe ideas. If you are new, bring a salad of organic fruits or veggies (with olive oil as a dressing). Please label your dish to indicate ingredients, allergens, grains, dairy, organic, etc.


Children are welcome! There is a playground just outside our meeting for them.

Please forward this information to anyone you know who might be interested!

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