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Nature’s Anti-inflammatory Spice: Turmeric

When I feel there is something “off” in my body, that’s when I reach for the turmeric. As our friends in India have known for an eternity, turmeric does wonders to reduce all kinds of swelling, from swollen ankles or knees to swollen nerves or joints.

So many of our disorders are due to inflammation of various sorts. Anything that ends in “-itis,” just for starters: bursitis, tendonitis, dermatitis, arthritis, etc.

And of course, auto-immune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and MS that activate an inflammatory response. In MS, for example, the swelling that accompanies the damage to the myelin sheaths surrounding the nerves can cause as much damage as the resulting scar tissue. Often, a corticosteroid such as oral prednisone or I.V. solu-medrol is prescribed to keep the swelling down.

Can you guess how I feel about putting corticosteroids into my body, particularly the long-term, maintenance-level doses that are often prescribed? The last time I took corticosteroids for a problem was in 1999. The prednisone gave me heartburn and packed on 30 lbs. in 3 weeks. The solu-medrol blew out my veins and gave me track marks. But these are just a few of the possible side effects of corticosteroid use noted by the Mayo Clinic. I honestly couldn’t tell if they helped reduce or lessen the optic neuritis (ooohhh… another “-itis!”), or if it just ran its course regardless.

Turmeric Milk
Turmeric Milk

Although I haven’t had a major Multiple Sclerosis exacerbation since 2002, I try to be hyper-aware of my body so that I can address anything that feels “off” before it swells (pardon the pun) into a larger issue.

Hot weather can make these things worse. One evening recently I noticed some new blurring of my eyesight. While it might have been from simple fatigue, ever since my  bout with optic neuritis, incidents like this are enough to send me running for the turmeric.

Now that I drink my turmeric in hot milk it’s a much more pleasant treatment. This last time I enjoyed one cup at bedtime and another the next day and that’s all it took to clear up whatever was going on with my eyes.

My version of Turmeric Milk:

1 cup coconut, almond or other safe milk, warmed
1 Tbsp. ground turmeric
3-4 whole black peppercorns
Honey, pure maple syrup, or other safe natural (not artificial) sweetener to taste

Heat the milk and add the turmeric and peppercorns. Let steep for at least 5 minutes before drinking. You may strain out the powder and peppercorns if you wish, or just leave them in the bottom of the mug.

* The circumin in the peppercorns intensifies the power of the turmeric. I saw this posted from a reader of Arun Shunbhag’s blog and tried it. Now I’m a believer.

10 Comments on “Nature’s Anti-inflammatory Spice: Turmeric

  1. I buy empty capsules and fill with turmeric and black pepper. You don’t have to worry about taste.

  2. Elizabeth suggested a Turmeric anti-inflammatory receipt for my MS hug. This drink worked as well if not better than any prescription medication that I have taken in the past without the side effects. I would strongly recommend this anti-inflammatory treatment.

  3. I’ve been taking turmeric & black pepper supplement for about 6 months. My recent eye checkup was 20/20 vision! I don’t nrrd glasses anymore!

    1. are you taking powder or pills and if so what?
      what do u mean by peppercorn sup?
      pls say that name and where u get it too

  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    I have been looking online for recipes for the golden milk… my sister was reading that the tumeric needs to be made into a paste with water and heated on the stove…then stirring constantly for at least 8 minsutes for the benefits of tumeric to be active. Have you heard of this? I have made the paste (very easy to add to the warm almond milk) and add honey to sweeten. I will have to add the ginger to my paste! My question is: Can you have too much? I am drinking only 1 cup now but think I will be having another at night….would a 3rd at lunch be too much? I have been adding tumeric to my chicken dishes too….

    1. Jennifer- I have never turned the turmeric into a hot paste before mixing with milk; I have only ever heard of using a turmeric paste as a topical anti-inflammatory remedy. That doesn’t mean anything, though, and maybe pre-heating the turmeric like that is helpful. However, I’m wondering why you want to keep adding more and more to your life? Is it because you are not finding any relief from your inflammatory issues after one cup? If you are not feeling any relief after a week of one cup a day of turmeric milk, then it is not the right remedy for you and you should try something else. You may even be sensitive to turmeric and making things worse with the amount you are ingesting. Or, maybe the pre-heating into a paste is actually de-activating the anti-inflammatory components and that’s why it’s not working. Worth considering.

      1. Today is my first time trying this but I asked a friend and she said you can warm the turmeric to much so to make sure that its warm but not boiling and she said paste was topically. Best of luck.

  5. 1 TBSP Tumeric to a cup of milk? I tried something similar once (my GP suggested it as a maintenance thing after my breast cancer treatment) and found it so horribly bitter I couldn’t drink it (and yes, I did reach for the agave nectar to try and make it palatable but still wound up dumping it down the sink). Maybe warming the milk makes a difference (and it was milk milk, not soy or whatever). I admit I didn’t measure it, but I’m pretty sure I had less than a tbsp of tumeric to probably more than 8 oz. of milk. Should probably give it another go (sigh).

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