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Canned (Tinned) Salmon in Glorious One-Pot Meals

Reader Question: Would canned salmon be a good substitute for Glorious One Pot recipes? ~ John R., Austin, TX
Hi John! I’m thrilled that you have been enjoying Glorious One-Pot Meals! While I have never tried using tinned salmon in a GOPM, I have used canned tuna and it worked perfectly, so I would assume that canned salmon would work just fine as well. Tinned fish is a great option for adding to GOPMs – thank you for bringing it up!
It’s hard to believe that 2019 is the 10th anniversary of Glorious One-Pot Meals! I’ll be celebrating all year, so stay in touch to celebrate with me.
Happy cooking!

2 Comments on “Canned (Tinned) Salmon in Glorious One-Pot Meals

  1. Thanks, can’t wait to try it and hope to tweak the canned stuff so is palatable. Thank you for Glorious One Pot healthy and budget food for starving 20 year old guy.

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